With a combined work experience of more than 50 years in the talent and development arena, the Chief Learning Office team can provide a wide variety of solutions to help your organization create a productive and sustainable workforce.
Nancy Whatley-Blaine is the Founder and CEO of Chief Learning Office. She has more than 25 years experience in developing, managing, and directing successful talent and developmental programs for organizations both large and small. She is not only passionate about helping organizations keep and train talent, but she is excited to help companies be at their best for that talent.
Ken Gurney has more than 20 years experience in the learning and development space. He has work as a classroom trainer, helped develop on-line training programs, and as a videographer and editor created multiple educational and training products. He is excited to bring his knowledge and experience to the Chief Learning Office team.
Kelli Grelles has a strong 401(k) background and is both a certified Behavioral Finance Advisor (BFA) and a Certified Health Savings Advisor (CHSA). She has more than 13 years experience in helping companies and employees make smart financial decisions. She is thrilled to join the Chief Learning Office team to help companies and employees grow and perform at their highest level. She is not a bird!!!
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